Home / Tribal Manager Office / Housing Department
Housing Department
GTB Housing Main Line: 231-534-7800
Lori Dudley | General Information & Applications | 231-534-7800 |
Maxx Jacko | Occupancy Specialist | 231-534-7447 |
Joe Kaubenaw | Lead Occupancy Specialist – GTB rental info Down Payment Information/Homebuyer Education | 231-534-7803 |
Leiha Van Aken | Occupancy Specialist – GTB rental info | 231-534-7802 |
Tarik Bouguettaya | Emergency Home Repair & Handicap Accessibility Program | 231-534-7886 |
Steven Alberts | Program Director / Procurement Coordinator (Temp) | 231-534-7804 |
Lilyan Allard | Assistant Manager | 231-534-7805 |
Jodi Lewis | Interim Department Manager | 231-534-7218 |
Herkner Housing Project Press Release & Photo Updates
LIHTC Housing Virtual Tours
- 3632 (T-2) “A” https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=eHj1sk2ESH5
- 3628 (T-2) “B” https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=1hoNnXm3c7b
- 3624 (T-2) “C” https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=N4aGpCvdvdK
- 3620 (T-2) “D” https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=tx3YoHmPMgM
The mission of the Grand Traverse Band Housing Department is to provide and promote safe, adequate and affordable housing opportunities for GTB Tribal Members. As the facilitator of housing for the tribal communities, the Housing Department is responsible for creating a healthy living environment for families through responsive initiatives that address social and economic concerns via a solution-oriented education based housing program. The Grand Traverse Band places a priority on homeownership as a means to stabilize communities by promoting self-sufficiency. While housing families is the primary mission of the Housing Department, the focus is on creating housing opportunities by assisting families to obtain the required knowledge necessary to make informed life decisions. In the absence of eligible GTB Tribal Members, the GTB Housing Department will provide these opportunities to other Federally Recognized Indian Families that live within the Grand Traverse Band six-county service area.
What Housing offers to Tribal Members:
NAHASDA Rental Subsidy Program
Housing Assistance for Low-income & Market Rental
Rental Deposit Assistance
Handicap Accessibility
Homeowner Assistance
Services We Offer
- Notary - Documents
- Home Buyer Classes
- Budget Counseling
- Financial Education
- Resources for other programs:
1. Information for house insurance
2. Well—septic applications
3. Lot Assignment Request Application
4. Tax exempt application
5. Human Services application
Occupancy Policy