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Tribal Council

2025 Tribal Council Session Dates

Goals & Objectives

Goals and Objectives 2025

(Approved February 26, 2025)

We, the Tribal Council of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, a Sovereign Nation, honor our ancestors and the rights preserved for our Tribal Nation. We shall promote and protect the well­being of our present and future members through culture, sovereignty, treaty rights, natural resources, health, public safety, education, financial management, housing and agriculture, and shall be responsive to the needs and statements of Tribal Members.


Naadiziwin CULTURE

Preserve, Restore, Promote, Revive and Practice our Anishinaabemowin and Traditions:

  • Continue to foster growth and incorporate cultural activities through our daily lives and within all programs.
  • Language - Increase Anishinaabemowin ( original people's language) being spoken in the communities and in the work place.
  • Catalog History- expand oral/video/written collections at Eyaawing and OTB Heritage Library and share with the public at large.
  • Ensure the continuation of the rights afforded to us by our ancestors as guaranteed in the 1836 and 1855 treaties



Preserve, Strengthen and Assert our Tribal Sovereignty:

  • Remain vigilant in holding the federal government accountable to its trust responsibilities.
  • Environment - continue advocacy for the protection and well-being of clean air, water, land, wildlife, the health of the fishery, and climate.
  • Advocate for Bimaadiziwin (The Good Life)- protect the rights of our People, Natural Resources and the Great Lakes.
  • Land use plan/land trust/purchase of our ancestral land.
  • Continue communication and increase awareness of government-to-government relationships (Tribal/State/Federal/Local).
  • Collaborate and create partnerships with other sovereign nations.
  • Review and update Tribal Codes.
  • Support, Prioritize and Promote the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO); Native American Graves Repatriation Act (NAGPRA); Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP); and Native American Boarding Schools Victims
  • Environment: continue to advocate for Green initiatives/renewable energy.


Ezhi-mko-waabndamewiziying PUBLIC SAFETY and Noojimoowin miiniwa Bimaadizid and Naadimaagewinan HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 

  • Exercise the functions of public safety (law enforcement, conservation, fire department] in a manner consistent with the sovereign authority of the Tribe as established by the Tribal Council.
  • Provide quality and timely health care services for eligible individuals
  • Establish consistent health care accessibility in the six-county service area.
  • Expand health care services.
  • Dedicate resources to promote wellness and disease prevention in all areas of health.
  • Become our own third-party health administrator.
  • Provide human services for eligible Tribal members.
  • Promote healthy lifestyles and ensure access to recovery.
  • Increase awareness of traditional medicines.

Kinoomaadiwin EDUCATION

Promote lifelong learning:

  • Advocate for accurate Historical Reference of Native history.
  • Provide and promote opportunities for career development -vocational, career tech, college and/or university education.
  • Promote educational opportunities and enhance in-school/out-of-school support to ensure student success for all ages.
  • 100% Graduation Rate of all Tribal Members.
  • Mentor Career/Education development.
  • Provide scholarship opportunities and informational resources in all career areas.
  • Create summer work programs so that students may have the opportunity to learn about their Tribe's governmental and gaming operations.
  • Develop education/cultural programs designed to strengthen Anishinaabek knowledge for all Tribal members

Zhoonya ezhi minjaangaadeg FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Committed to overall efficient and effective financial and fiduciary management:

  • Ongoing evaluation of investments.
  • Continued oversight of government and economic entities of the Tribe.
  • Provide financial information consistent with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.
  • Program efficiency analysis and reduction of duplication.
  • Review and update all existing policies.
  • Ensure timeliness and quality services are provided.
  • Follow the laws as outlined in OTB Codes and OTB Constitution.
  • Promote investment classes for both young adults and adult Tribal Members so that they may make educated, informed decisions.

Endaang Emiikigig HOUSING

Create affordable, quality housing for members of the Grand Traverse Band in the six-county service area: 

  • Promote home ownership, down payment assistance funding, and emergency repair and rehab programs to meet the needs of all OTB members.
  • Conduct a needs assessment for future planning and development.
  • Develop housing/rental sites/infrastructure for supportive housing, mobile homes, modular homes, and tiny homes within the six-county service area to meet the needs of all GTB members.
  • Review and update existing Housing policies and procedures.
  • Purchase land within the six-county service area.
  • Develop homeless population services and referral program.



Agriculture provides technical assistance and education to tribal members:

  • Advance agriculture through education and partnership.
  • Increase opportunities for agriculture enterprises.
  • Act as the liaison between tribal members and farm markets, state and local programs.
  • Focus on traditional-based foods, plants, seeds, and practices
  • Foster youth, family, Elders, and community agricultural development and participation.
  • Strengthen food sovereignty goals.