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2nd Annual Mandaamini-Mashkimodan (Cornhole) League
September 11, 2024
6:00 PM
Strongheart - 2700 Strongheart Way, Peshawbestown

2nd Annual 9-Week Community Mandaamini-Mashkimodan (Cornhole) Apagidoon (League)

Open to All  

Location: Strongheart Gym - 2700 Strongheart Way, Peshawbestown

Date/Time: Wednesdays at 6pm Starting September 11th
Ending Week before Thanksgiving 9th Week - Bring A Dish to Pass

Fee: $40/Player - $80/Team

  • Everyone who paid will be in Fall League

*Prize Amount Based on Number of Teams

Sign Up: Before or ON September 11th & you'll be enter in the 'Luck of Draw' drawing! Playing on points with a 80% Handicap

50/25/25: Tickets: 1/$1, 6/$5, 14/$10
50% goes to the winner
25% goes to the prize fund
25% goes to member special

 Sign Up Contact: David Anderson (231) 866-1235