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Anishinabek Tree and Leaf Identification Workshop
June 26, 2024
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Charlevoix Office - 10085 Wa-Ba-Noong Mi-Kun

Anishinabek Tree and Leaf Identification Workshop 

At Workshop 2 we will learn how to identify trees by their leaves. We will meet at the workshop sites listed then Proceed to the nearest woods for the workshop.

  • Heritage Library:6/5/24
  • 3-Mile Office: 6/11/24
  • Benzie Office: 6/19/24
  • Charlevoix Office: 6/26/24

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn a new skill!

Charlevoix Office - 10085 Wa-Ba-Noong Mi-Kun