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Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program
January 26, 2024
5:00 PM

Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program is dedicated to the support of Native American students pursuing a higher education in Natural Resources. Preference will be given to students whose degree or area of study directly involves management if Forest Resources. 

Application Checklist:

□ Letter of application
□ Resume
□ Reference letter ##1 (on letterhead, signed and dated)
□ Reference letter ##2 (on letterhead, signed and dated)
□ Reference letter ##3 (on letterhead, signed and dated)
□ A photocopy of your member or descendant enrollment card in a federally recognized tribe or Alaska Native Corporation, or completed BIA Form 4432 Verification of Indian Preference for Employment
□ Transcripts
□ College acceptance letter (high school) or declared major & current class schedule (college)
□ FAFSA student aid report

Deadline: Friday, January 26, 2024 5:00 p.m. PT
